This particular topic proved to most useful as it allows animaitors to observe the way they move in motion. From examining this sketch the animator can tell the weight / balance that the subject is showing as he is sitting on a sofa focusing on his aunty's phone .
But the artist's major downfall was not being able to draw all of the motions displayed by the subject as they moved from one point to the next point. However the artist could benefit from making more gesture drawing as the subject may not appreciate staying in one position for more than five seconds. The artist could have used the negative space to cover the background in order to make each pose stand out.
The artist also used made sure that they used the angles of the subject to their advantages as they resembled arcs.This immediately reminded the artist that animators use this technique in all of their animation as it allows them to create an animation with an continuous flow as apposed to a jumpy animation flow.
The artist made sure that they used the charcoal as light as possible to display the contrast betwen self shadows & direct highlights. It is these elements which gives the person a three dimensional form.The artist does feel happy about the first pose which has been completed but they are not sure about their feeling regarding to the next few poses .
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