Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Conventions of animation- Anticipation.

The objective of today was to be able to recognise the mechanic of animation known as anticipation. The best way to fully understand anticipation is by going through the two main types of anticipation which are (psychological / mechanical anticipation.

An example could be a long distance run in the olympics at the beginning of the run where the runner begin in a crouched position with their backs straight , both feet in position . The final position would be the whole body gets up again ready to thrust itself to run in order to gain more momentum in order to get ahead of the other runners . The writer if this blog has tried to demonstrate this by creating two animation where two balls are bouncing up & down.

This is a 3D animation of a Small & Large ball as they begin their ascent from the ground to the sky then back to the ground. At the beginning of the animation both balls display the correct weight being  encouraged by gravity. As the gravity allows them to go that is where the animation shows it's weak points . The aim of the exercise was to create anticipation the animator felt that the bounce felt too forced & mechanical . This is exactly the error which the animator hopes to avoid making again in the next exercise. But the next exercise might prove to be difficult as there is more characterisation to the story as well ad the main character.


The second exercise was to create an animation of a ball going up a diving board then bouncing off a diving board into a pool. If someone could replicate the movement of a human being going up the stairs then bouncing off a diving board then that would be considered to be well observed & brilliant. 

As the animator reviews his animation he began by thinking that the start of the animation was fine as he was able to create a number of movements where the ball climbs the stairs .However the aspects that could make the flow of the animation better would be the jump on the diving board , the last moment of the jump into the pool. 

The part of the animation with the jump could have done with one or two more key frames in order to make the jump seem more fluent. The second part of the animation that needed improving was the last moments of the dive which really needed dressing at the start of the jump. Maybe the animator could have made sure that he placed the ball in a reasonable position where the jump would have seemed perfect & not confusing at the end. Unless the animator wanted to make his character create a 360 flip as he dives into the pool. That could be one possibility but you would have to ease the animator of his intentions to understand what he wants to get across to the target audience.

So to summarise physiological anticipation is when the mind registers the next movement before it occurs . The reason behind this notion is due to the fact that your eye examine movement all the time & is able to register what will next as a result. Mechanical anticipation is when you are able to tell the   difference between unnatural movements from natural movements .An animator will be able to tell when his characters appear to have flaws in an stage of their animations.

Here is a famous animation known as space jam & the reason that it has been included in this blog post was due to the fact that one of the last scenes display anticipation brilliantly. The scene that proved to be most useful was the part where Michael Jordon's arm extended all the way to the basketball net . 


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