Sunday, 13 March 2016

Lighting & Rendering - Lighting

This week the task was to understand how to solve the problem of turning a highly laminate material to a normal material. A number of steps were required to reach the stage when the material would appear to be normal.The first step required an alpha channel to be incorporated into the image attributes.To achieve this the hyper graph had to be used to navigate around the material attributes.  

The first render of the Bradford University flag on the ground has a translucent material around it creating a glowing effect covering the flag.The first take was to find the first material to lower the intensity of the glow.Then replace it with a Blinn material and upload the flag material to replace the first material. Unfortunately there was a problem with the plane as the material required to create the gradient was not applied until the end as it was not located .

After the material has been applied to the material the next step was to incorporate an alpha channel texture to the plane object to make the red colour stand out as it is the dominant colour. This way the colour red will be more clear and realistic.

This is a render of the flag once the alpha channel has been applied to the flag material which is getting to the stage where it almost resembles a flag in real life.The final step was to

This is another angle of the flag which shows the transformation from the original flag material to the final flag material.

The final render is the final product which is the University of Bradford Flag somewhere in the mountains.To improve the final product another texture could be incorporated to the three dimensional environment to give it more of a realistic apperance.

This is the environment which was created using the chromakey method. This scene shows the kingdom of Gondor in all of its glory embedded into the mountains.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Introduction to Lighting & Rendering .

The aim of the rest lesson for the lighting & Rendering class was to gradually become acquainted with the lighting & Rendering module.The best way was to create a three dimensional plane using a texture for the plane along with a bump map to create the gradient for the plane. 

The first step was to obtain a texture of the ground from the internet then save it onto the computer as a .tga file as it is more effective than a JEPGE file & time effective with regards to rendering time. The reason why this texture has been chosen for the three dimensional placement is because it possessed the texture that was required for the three dimensional plane.

Here is the file that was provided for the plane's material to give it the correct texture. But to make it more realistic the UV's had to be tweaked a few times to replicate the ground.As the texture appears to be very generic for the ground's gradient.

This is the final render of the plane which has been constructed in Autodesk Maya 2016.There is room for improvements that could enhance the overall apperace of the three dimensional plane.Overall the final product is satisfactory so the student can not complain as they have learned a new way to create a three dimensional plane.

This is an example of a three dimensional displacement map that has been incorporated to a floor plane to create the texture and to give it the required gradient.